Great Gifs: Humming Bird don’t do queuing
Celebrity gif of the day: Nicholas Cage wants to dance
Bill Cosby mind control Gif
Amazing Gif Of A Goblin Shark Gobbling A Big Fish
Gif Dump: The Kid Is Light Years Ahead
Meanwhile… In Russia: 14 Gifs Of Life Over There
Milos Rajkovic Makes Awesome Gifs of Human Heads
MILOS Rajkovic makes terrific Gifs of human heads:
Says the artist: “Modern world society is cluttered with temporarily informations and stuck in acceptable mediocrity because of advertised projection of reality , art should be contribution in fight against that order… Because its irresponsible to leave for future generations internet full of cute animals.”
Why Sholim?
“Sholim is my pseudonym since I was very young, its reverse reading of my name Miloš or Milosh.”
“I’m highly inspired by lowbrow pop surrealism art,” Rajkovic added. “I really feel the power of their work. When you see something that’s scary and funny at same time, while bringing some strong visual messages to you—that’s what I try to do with my GIFs.”
More here.
Banksy Is Now In Gifs
BANKSY’S work is now available as Gifs. Tumblr artist ABVH has created animations.
Spotter: we the urban)
Inappropriate Use Of A Mobile Phone – The Gifs
WHEN A woman updating her Facebook page fell off a pier, we wondered if all handsets should come with sensors that flash a message on the screen when peril is impending: “Lamp post dead ahead”; “Pier ends in three steps”; “Ex-girlfriend looking over shoulder.”
With iC, you need never be caught again.
Let’s see who needs our help:
Adele Gets Her MBE In Highly Amusing Gifs
ADELE is now Adele MBE.
The rocking prevents fainting:
As does laughing, or trying not to:
Look away…now
And relax
Wonderfully Ridiculous Animated Photographs Of New Yorkers
FRENCH-born, NewYork-based photographer Romain Laurent has created these fun animated portraits. He says: “As far as the intention of the series, it’s a way for me to explore a hybrid medium, experiment and being spontaneous while still sticking to a short weekly deadline. There isn’t a common concept between each loop, I just ‘go with the flow’ and see what comes to my mind each week.”
He posts more on his Tumblr.
Spotter: Lustik
The Most WTF Moments From Japanese TV (In Gifs)
HERE’S what you missed on Japanese TV:
But is it chocolate?
Gif Of The Day: Dogs Drink Water Backwards
DID you know that dogs drink water backwards?
How Things Are Made In 11 Lovely Gifs
THESE are 11 wonderful gifs show us how things are made. Look out for: macaroni, the human face and pencils (everyone loves a well-sharpened pencil)…
15 Animals Who Suck At Jumping
The Greatest Weight Loss Gif Of All Time – Ever!
THANKS to Reddit user dignityblows, aka Amanda, we get to see the world’s best ever weight loss Gif. And it might also be the world’s best ever cured-of-wearing-glasses-gif, too.
The incredible shrinking Amanda appeared on Good Morning America to talk about the joys of no longer being fat. Her secret was the Keto/Paleo die. She tells Reddit:
I was very clear during the interview that Keto is a high fat and moderate protein diet, but the voice over said I followed a “high protein” diet. Sigh. I guess the world isn’t quite ready for the glorious bacon-fueled truth.
David Whyte’s Magical Mind-Bending Bees & Bombs Gifs
DUBLIN-based science student David Whyte posts these sort of geometric gifs at Bees & Bombs:
He tells you how to do it:
What program do you use?
Where can I learn Processing?
How do I make a gif using Processing?
Action Panda: the best gif of 2014
TGIMGIF: designer turns 50-year-old photos into gifs
Designer Cari Vander Yacht has enlivened old phots with her “TGIMGIF” (Thank God It’s Monday’s Graphics Interchange Format).
Spotter:, Cari Vander Yacht, Flashbak
Artist captures her phobias in quirky gifs
When choosing the aspect of myself I wanted to portray, I chose my anxiety issues that I have. I didn’t want to make a morbid, sad GIF series – I wanted it to show how silly my fears actually are. I also made flip books for the semester exhibition.
A discomfort or a fear when a person is in a social interaction that involves a concern of being judged or evaluated by others. In my case I have a problem with meeting new people – I just get so awkward that it is impossible to make a normal first impression.
An abnormal fear of dogs – in my case just big dogs. I don’t mind the small dogs, but if the dog is higher than my knee hight I feel a bit uneasy.
An irrational and severe fear of darkness. People with nyctophobia may feel uneasy just by thinking of being alone in a dark room. They can’t help thinking of the worst situation that may happen in the dark.
An intense and persistent fear of the sea. It is a fear of large waves, fear of distance from the land as well as fear of the vast emptiness. Thalassophobes might not be afraid of the sea per se; they are simply afraid of encountering sea creatures. Oceans are vast and relatively unexplored and people already suffering from anxiety disorders fear it due to its “mysteries”.